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Warrenton, VA 20187

(703) 743-4688

Storm Damage Tree Removal Near Me

storm damage tree removal near me

In the case of storm damage, tree removal can be a necessary option. However, a healthy tree is much more resistant to being knocked down by a storm than an unhealthy one. Also, it may be more difficult to get your insurance company to pay for damage caused by a damaged tree if it is old and unhealthy. The insurance company might argue that tree removal would have prevented the damage from occurring in the first place.

Cost of tree removal

The cost of storm damage tree removal varies widely. The cost can be quite high for emergency tree removal. Some of these costs may be covered by insurance. However, homeowners must check their policy before paying for the service. Most policies cover the cost of tree removal in the event it falls on a home. However, there may be a deductible that the homeowner must pay.

Medium-sized trees, which are about 30 feet to 60 feet tall, typically cost less to remove. Their trunks are more complex and they require more manpower than smaller trees. But they can often be removed in a single day, depending on the crew size. Some of the smaller trees that can be safely removed include dogwood, California juniper, and Japanese maple.

The location of the tree also affects its price. If it’s close to a power line or a building, it may require special equipment. If it has multiple trunks, it may require specialized accommodations. Some companies charge more for removal jobs near structures. So, it’s a good idea to shop around for the best price for your particular situation.

If you’re a homeowner and have a storm-damaged tree, check with your homeowner’s insurance company to see if they’ll cover the cost of tree removal. Depending on the type of policy, your insurance company may pay for this service, but you’ll need to pay your deductible.

Other factors that affect the cost include the size and location of the tree and the type of tree.

Safety precautions

When removing trees from storm-damaged yards, there are some safety precautions that homeowners should follow. Cutting down tree limbs can be dangerous, especially if the branches are weakened or hang loosely. In these cases, it’s best to call a professional tree trimmer to handle the job.

One common mistake that homeowners make is cutting back all branches. Although this may reduce the risk of breakage during a storm, it’s not a good idea. In addition, if the storm damage is extensive, it may not be possible to make a proper pruning cut. Professional arborists recommend not cutting back main branches to stubs, since these types of branches are more likely to break off during a storm.

Another safety precaution for storm damage tree removal is monitoring trees for signs of disease or decay. Diseased trees are prone to collapse during a storm, and can damage nearby property and power lines. Signs of disease or decay include decay and hollowness of the wood, mushrooms in the soil, and cracked trunks.

A tree may appear bare and unbalanced after a storm, but it will soon recover and grow new foliage. Trees with broken branches should be pruned carefully so that decay-causing agents do not get inside the wound. If possible, prune branches away from power lines to minimize the risk of infection. The cut should be made at the point where the branch joins the larger limbs, rather than the trunk. This helps the tree heal quicker.

There are some things homeowners can do to ensure that they hire the right arborist for the job. Tree service professionals can provide current information on tree health and can perform regular inspections. However, homeowners should not attempt to tackle the task on their own. Whether it’s a professional or a do-it-yourself project, storm damage tree removal requires expert care.

Exclusions from coverage

When it comes to storm damage tree removal, your insurance policy can have some stipulations that exclude coverage. Some exclusions include trees that are old or rotten, trees that are in an unsafe condition, and trees that have already been removed. Other exclusions include trees that block the driveway or a wheelchair ramp.

Some insurance policies also exclude tree removal costs if you live in an earthquake zone or flood plain. These exclusions may mean you need to get an additional policy or add a rider to your existing policy. You will also need to ensure that your insurance policy covers the removal of trees due to flooding or an earthquake.

Homeowners insurance policies typically limit the amount of coverage that they cover. Oftentimes, they cover replacement costs for trees, but not removal costs. Moreover, they only cover certain perils, including fire, lightning, and theft. However, your policy may cover tree removal costs if they’re not involved in causing structural damage.

Some policies will cover tree removal costs if they’re necessary to repair a damaged driveway or a wheelchair ramp. Make sure to read your policy carefully to see if this is covered. Most insurers will pay up to a certain amount per storm, but anything over this amount will be your responsibility.

Resilient trees that can be saved

If you are concerned about a tree, you can take steps to help it survive a storm by pruning broken branches or replanting it. However, it’s important to note that some trees are better suited to this restoration process than others. For example, young trees with a trunk diameter less than 10 inches are easier to repair than older ones.

Even if a tree is severely damaged by storms, it can recover. In fact, some trees can recover from such damage without harming its appearance. A broken branch might look naked, but the tree will quickly heal and grow new foliage. While you can treat minor wounds yourself, you may want to call in a tree care specialist to deal with the more severe ones. In the upper Midwest, wind and ice storms can cause significant damage to trees. Wind-blown branches can rip apart and split, and roots can break off at the ground line. Storms also cause other damage, including to personal property.

Some storm damage looks much worse than it actually is. But with proper care and skilled pruning, a tree can be saved. The amount of damage depends on the age of the tree, its location, and its overall health. Often, a tree can be saved with some pruning, but if the damage is severe, a tree may need to be cut down.

Trees that are young and well-maintained are most likely to survive a storm if they aren’t uprooted. Make sure to cover the exposed roots of any trees that are susceptible to uprooting. A tree with a lopsided crown won’t recover unless it’s trimmed to a symmetrical crown. You should also be careful not to shake a tree’s branches when it’s snowing, as shaking the branches will cause further damage.

Finding a professional to handle your storm damage tree removal

If you need storm damage tree removal, it is important to find a reputable company to do the job. Storm damage poses a high level of risk for workers, so you should avoid hiring people who aren’t arborists. Legitimate professionals will never ask for money in advance and won’t use climbing spikes, which can decay trees.

Professional tree removal services are trained to handle a wide range of storm damage problems. If a storm hits your area, you may find snapped branches, broken tree bark, or split forks. In severe cases, trees may even fall onto your driveway or lawn, bringing down live electrical wires. If you notice any of these problems, make sure to contact a certified arborist right away.

In most cases, homeowners insurance will cover storm damage tree removal. However, it won’t cover all types of storm damage. The extent of your coverage will depend on how the tree fell and where it fell. If the tree had been removed before the storm hit, your insurance company may argue that you would have avoided the damage.